Research Article
Impact of Investment in Financial Services on Financial Inclusion in Iringa Hope Joint SACCOS in Southern Highland Zone of Tanzania
Volume 11, Issue 1, February 2025
15 December 2024
30 December 2024
17 February 2025
Abstract: The overall objective of this study was to examine the impacts of savings and credit practices and how they affect borrower's investment decisions in affordable, faster, secure, transparent, and convenient financial services manner in Iringa hope joint SACCOS in Southern Highland zone of Iringa, Kilolo, Mufindi District in Iringa region and Wanging’ombe District in Njombe Region. Using surveyed data of a sample of 370 individual members from the study area, the study employed multiple regression model and descriptive statistics. The study findings revealed that most of the SACCOs members were eager to join financial services as an opportunity for the present and future investment and continue with services to benefit from financial products at an increasing rate due to strongly affordable, faster, secure, transparent, and convenient financial services. It also revealed that financial inclusion had a direct and significant impact on economic development of marginalized people. Furthermore, IHJS members were in favor of utilizing mobile money technology in possibility of enhancing more being included in financial sector in order to accelerate investment opportunities, hence financial inclusion is affected positively. Women are engaged in financial sector hence being considered as an important in financial inclusions issues since women are engaged more in investment activities. Finally, the findings revealed that women have of being included in financial sector and use the fund to invest in different economic activities compared to men who are reluctant to run towards the opportunity.
Abstract: The overall objective of this study was to examine the impacts of savings and credit practices and how they affect borrower's investment decisions in affordable, faster, secure, transparent, and convenient financial services manner in Iringa hope joint SACCOS in Southern Highland zone of Iringa, Kilolo, Mufindi District in Iringa region and Wanging...
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Research Article
The Effect of Enterprise Risk Governance on the Financial Performance of Ghanaian Commercial Banks
Volume 11, Issue 1, February 2025
7 January 2025
27 January 2025
21 February 2025
Abstract: In an attempt to ensure that banks in Ghana are strong and safe from any risk inherent in their operational activities, the Bank of Ghana (BoG) recently embarked on a massive revamping of the financial services sector. According to financial experts, this could be a result of weak enterprise risk governance practices. However, studies in Ghana ascertaining the implications of enterprise risk governance indicators on bank performance have received little attention in the literature. This study is therefore aimed at examining the implications of Risk Management Committees (RMCs), independent RMCs, Risk Management Officers (RMO), and overall Risk Index (RI) on bank performance. The dynamic System GMM was employed for the analysis of the enterprise risk governance-bank performance relationship. Panel data from the annual reports of 14 banks spanning the period of 10 years from 2013-2022 was employed. The results suggest that the existence of RMCs sees to a better asset performance of banks. However, independent RMCs provide rigorous governance frameworks which tend to reduce excessive risk-taking behavior by banks which adversely affects bank performance. Further, RMOs present on the executive board are found to be stronger and have a powerful influence to be rigid against riskier investment projects adopted by banks during economic growth, which acts against performance of banks. Finally, banks tend to perform better when they take on riskier investment projects. This study is an attempt to certify independent RMCs, the presence of an RMO on banks’ boards, and vigilance when undertaking riskier investments with respect to emerging economies like Ghana.
Abstract: In an attempt to ensure that banks in Ghana are strong and safe from any risk inherent in their operational activities, the Bank of Ghana (BoG) recently embarked on a massive revamping of the financial services sector. According to financial experts, this could be a result of weak enterprise risk governance practices. However, studies in Ghana asce...
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